Awarding of the 14th LIDER programme

fot. NCBR

41 young scientists have received a total of PLN 70 million in funding for original research projects as a result of the 14th LIDER programme, implemented by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) with funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. 

Launched in 2009, the main objective of the LIDER programme is to enhance competencies in independent planning, management, and leadership of a research team through the implementation of research projects, the results of which may have practical application and have implementation potential. LIDER creates a strong foundation for strengthening the competitiveness of Polish science and a new generation of Polish scientists on a European and global scale.

Among the laureates of the LIDER 14th competition, 27 projects (66%) are managed by men and 14 projects (34%) by women. The average age of applicants and laureates of the 14th competition is around 33 years old. The youngest laureate of the current competition is 27 years old and the oldest is 42 years old.

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