Awards of the rector of the University of Warsaw


Professor Paweł Stępień from the “Artes Liberales” Faculty, Dr Agata Dziewulska from the European Center and Dr Andrzej Dragan from the Faculty of Physics became the laureates of the fourth didactic award competition of the rector of the University of Warsaw (UW).

The didactic prize of the University of Warsaw Rector is awarded individually to academic teachers for outstanding didactic achievements and introduction of innovative teaching methods. Every year, the prize is awarded in three fields: humanities, social sciences and exact sciences. The first award competition took place in 2016.

-Teaching is one of the fundamental functions of the university. Good education is a demanding task, especially in times of so many changes. It is even more important to keep up with the requirements and challenges of modern society – said Prof. Marcin Pałys, rector of the University of Warsaw.

Higher education