Białystok University of Technology to hold Białystok Forest Seminar


The Institute of Forest Sciences of the Białystok University of Technology (PB) together with the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Białystok are organizing the Białystok Forest Seminar “Protective forests of cities. The present state and the future”. 

The role of forests is the greater, and the more appreciated by city communities, the larger urban centers are – emphasizes Dr Eng. Dan Wołkowycki from the Department of Forest Environment at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences.

-It cannot be overestimated, especially nowadays, in times of increasing climate change. Without forests capturing water after storms and thaws, ventilating and cooling the cities in the world, they would simply not be able to function normally. Often, the cities also run a standard economy, which is not adapted to strengthening the climatic and natural functions and deviates from social expectations. For these reasons, the protection of forests around cities, their use and access require a completely new approach and new solutions. We will talk about the needs and opportunities in this regard with scientists, forest managers and social activists – adds Dr Wołkowycki.
