Białystok University of Technology to receive over 900,000 PLN for the as part of the project “University teaching excellence”


The Bialystok University of Technology will receive PLN 918,498 to support organizational changes and improve staff competences. The money was granted by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the project “Teaching excellence of universities” from the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development co-financed by the European Social Fund.

“Our goal is to further improve the quality of education, taking into account the interdisciplinary approach, individualization, improvement of didactic methods and improvement of didactic organization”, said the vice-rector for education, Dr Agnieszka Dardzińska-Głębocka.

She added, the university wants to improve the system for the development of teaching competences of academic teachers, including the use of ICT tools, the use of teaching and learning by discovery methods, communication competences and competences to work with people with diverse educational needs.

Higher education