Biobank of the University of Lodz creates a genetic map of Poles


Biobank of the University of Lodz (UŁ), as part of the European Genome Archive, will create a modern database on the genetic variability of Poles, which will allow scientific institutions to use the genomic sequences of Poles free of charge in the implementation of their own research projects.

The goal of the venture is to develop better drugs and therapies. All materials will be made available in accordance with the applicable GDPR and based on the consent of the bioethics committee. Biobank received PLN 10 million for the implementation of the project, mainly from the European Union funds.

A genome is the complete genetic information of a living organism as an exome is a collection of exomes or genome fragments that contain information about the sequence coding the genes, which constitute functional peptides and proteins. Thanks to the new project, the University of Lodz Biobank will store genomes and exomes of Poles from all regions of Poland and will become the first Polish instance of the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA).

Medicine and biotechnology