Book When diet is a form of treatment written by researchers from the Silesian University of Medical Sciences


Dietitians and psychodietitians from the Faculty of Public Health at the Silesian Medical University have written a book ‘Dietary management in paediatrics’. This is an extremely important position, because children at every stage of development need specific nutrients and nutrients to grow properly and gain strength.

The handbook includes information on motivation and interviewing paediatric patients and their parents, dietary management of allergies, including cow’s milk protein allergy, diet in coeliac disease, phenylketonuria, type 1 diabetes, hypertension, PCOS,  

“The book also describes how to deal with children who have food aversions, such as food neophobia (fear or aversion to trying new or unfamiliar foods), how to conduct a ketogenic diet in children with drug-resistant epilepsy, how to support a young cancer patient, which probiotics to use in children and why”, says one of the authors, Dr Karolina Krupa-Kotara.

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Medicine and biotechnology