Broadband Internet in the Baltic


Researchers from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdansk University of Technology have developed innovative solutions that ensure wireless, broadband communication in maritime areas.

The results of their work will be available on Thursday, March 22 during the seminar, which will start at the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot.
The seminar will summarize three years of work under the project “netBaltic: Internet in the Baltic – Implementation of a multi-system, self-organizing broadband ICT network at sea to increase the safety of navigation through the development of e-navigation services”.

The project was carried out by a consortium consisting of research teams of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology at the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Institute of Communications of the National Research Institute, the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the companies DGT LAB and NavSim Polska. The whole project was financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the Applied Research Program.

Innovations Technical sciences