Centre for Animal Welfare and Health opened at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań

fot. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu

The Centre for Animal Welfare and Health has opened at Poznan University of Life Sciences. The new unit will bring together researchers from the fields of zootechnics, biology, veterinary medicine, biotechnology and health sciences, giving them the opportunity to conduct work at the highest level.

The centre is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for the analysis of the composition of biological substances, cellular imaging, electron microscopy and in vitro research. One of the most modern computed tomography facilities in Poland was also made available to scientists and patients. 

The equipment includes state-of-the-art surgical and rehabilitation equipment for animals, respiratory chambers for monitoring the amount and composition of gases emitted from animal production and one of the most modern animal dissection rooms with an audio-visual system for remote training in, among other things, pathomorphology and veterinary pathology. 

Read more: https://www.poznan.pl/mim/studia/news/otwarcie-uniwersyteckiego-centrum-dobrostanu-i-zdrowia-zwierzat-nowa-era-badan,218514.html 

Medicine and biotechnology