The Centre for Janusz Korczak Thought has inaugurated its activities at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM). The unit will deal with education in the Korczakian spirit, i.e. respect for children’s rights, conducted online and through hybrid forms.
The Centre was established at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM), but is intended to be an inter-departmental unit. The activities will be addressed to secondary school students, teachers, educators, local cultural activists and educators. The initiators of the Centre want to encourage young scientists to work on new projects.
“We intend to persuade them to form interdisciplinary teams in which historians could cooperate with educators, lawyers, doctors, literature experts, philosophers, sociologists, artists, as well as activists working in fields such as education, culture and social welfare”, says the Centre’s secretary, Dr Dorota Latour.
Read more: https://amu.edu.pl/dla-mediow/komunikaty-prasowe/centrum-mysli-janusza-korczaka-otwarte