Certificate of the Polish Accreditation Committee for Construction at the Zachodniopomorskie University of Technology

Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny

The construction faculty at the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering at the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) in Szczecin has been awarded the Certificate of Educational Excellence by the Polish Accreditation Commission in the category ‘Partner for Development – Excellence in Cooperation with the Socio-Economic Environment’.  

The certificate indicates that the cooperation with representatives of the business world, construction companies and representatives of local authorities essential.

“This is a great distinction for us. We are one of only two technical colleges in Poland to have received the certificate for the construction faculty and the only one in Western Pomerania to have been awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Education. The Polish Accreditation Committee has recognised our hard work. This is, above all, good news for our future candidates, students and graduates,’ says the dean of the faculty, Anna Głowacka, PhD, professor ZUT

Read more: https://www.zut.edu.pl/zut-strona-glowna/informacje-biezace/article/nasze-budownictwo-doskonale-wspolpracuje-z-otoczeniem-spoleczno-gospodarczym-zdaniem-polskiej-komis.html

Higher education