Chatbot that recognises mental disorders

fot. UJ

Patrycja Machno, currently a fifth-year medical student at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow, Poland, and Zofia Smoleń, a data science student at École Polytechnique in Paris, have created a chatbot, a tool using artificial intelligence, which recognises mental disorders and helps find their solution by pointing out not only the right specialist with the most experience in treating these problems, but also the method of therapy.

MindMatch is an AI-based chatbot that allows anyone to find a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or sexologist.

It uses artificial intelligence to recognise the symptoms of mental disorders in a patient’s description of emotions, and then matches the most appropriate therapy styles and psychotherapeutic streams. Thus, each person who has described their emotions and well-being to the chatbot will receive a list of therapists who work according to the methodologies most optimal for their symptoms.

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Technical sciences