Collegium of Legal Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University opened in Lublin


The opening of the Collegium of Legal Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Main School took place on 13 September 2023 at the premises of the Regional Branch of the National Bank of Poland in Lublin. The event was accompanied by an international academic conference, whose participants discussed whether the federalisation of the European Union is a threat to Poland and Europe.

The Collegium of Legal Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University is being established in Lublin, where the Union of Lublin, pointed to as something of a prototype of today’s European Union, was founded in 1569. “It is founded on the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus’ birth. We must not lose sight of this. We created the Copernicus Academy to make it a living monument to the 550th birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus – an international monument”, said Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek. 

The head of the ministry of education and science stressed that the new institution will support the internationalisation of Polish science and academic discussion at the European level. 

Higher education