Conference at the University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz on the 20th anniversary of joining NATO


The University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz invites participants on March 11 and 12 to the National Science Conference “Poland in international relations twenty years after joining NATO”.

The topics of the conference include assessment of historical processes resulting in access of Poland to NATO and the European Union and conditions resulting from the changing geopolitical position of Poland in Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century as well as Poland’s attitude to the crises of contemporary Europe (including the conflict in Ukraine, migration crisis, Brexit).

The organizers are also planning to discuss Poland’s activities in international organizations and initiatives, such as the OSCE, Council of Europe, the Visegrad Group, the Weimar Triangle and the Three Seas Initiative and the impact of historical policy of Poland and other countries on mutual relations, including re-opening the problem of reparations and war damages, and possibly the issue of revision of the borders.

Events Higher education