Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland to hold seminar “Academic Freedom and Responsibility”


The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) is inviting participants to a seminar on “the functioning of statutory and non-statutory solutions aimed at strengthening academic freedom and the responsibility of academic teachers”. The seminar will be held on February 26, 2021 from 9.00-15.00 online.

The seminar will start with generally available introductory lectures, delivered by Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki and Prof. Ewa Łętowska, who will present the institutional and legal context of the main topic of the conference. Closed thematic panels will be used for discussion as well as for the exchange of good practices and experiences of meeting participants.

The initiative to organize the conference is the result of the activities of the Commission for Communication and Social Responsibility. The event is co-organized by SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences.

