Consortium of the Military Medical Institute and the University of Warsaw to create a Regional Centre for Digital Medicine


The Agency for Medical Research (ABM) has announced the results of a competition to establish Regional Centres for Digital Medicine (RCMCs). The consortium consisting of the Military Medical Institute – National Research Institute (WIM-PIB) and the University of Warsaw (UW) topped the ranking list. 

The ABM awarded the WIM-PIB UW consortium more than PLN 27 million in funding for the creation and development of the RCMC, which is a medical data platform that will allow medical data to be collected, processed and also used for innovative scientific research.

“The University of Warsaw has been expecting this project. We are extremely pleased that it is coming into effect. I believe that the Faculty of Medicine with a medical specialisation opened at the UW in cooperation with the WIM will be a very modern unit, not only educating students at the basic level, but also constituting a kind of hub enabling people who have already achieved a lot in medicine to broaden their knowledge”, said Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the rector of the UW.

Medicine and biotechnology