Consortium with the participation of Krakow universities to develop a model of a welfare farm


Consortium of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (leader), Agricultural Advisory Center (CDR) in Brwinów, Jagiellonian University and Agricultural University in Krakow, signed a contract with the National Center for Research and Development to fund the GROWID project “Welfare farms in rural development against demographic challenges”.

The project will be implemented as part of the strategic program of scientific research and development work “Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets” GOSPOSTRATEG.

The main objective of the project is to develop a welfare farm model and to prepare a system of implementation in the form of a development strategy of the care farms. It is to eliminate development barriers in Poland: inequalities between cities and rural areas in access to social services, insufficient coordination of public services at the local level and low quality of social capital.

Higher education Modern economy Research and development