Construction of the Centre for Eco-Innovation of the Gdansk University of Technology (CEI PG) is underway. The state-of-the-art research and development facility will deal with the development of ‘green’ technologies and environmentally friendly solutions. The building has already reached its target height.
The establishment of the CEI PG will enable scientists to develop and implement innovative technologies. Research areas will include environmental protection (e.g. wastewater treatment, water and flood management), energy efficiency in construction, transport and industry, renewable energy sources and the revitalisation of degraded urban areas. The facility will also serve a teaching function, training a cadre of specialists geared towards creating innovative environmental solutions for the future.
The building has been designed in an environmentally friendly way using innovative green technologies and, once operational, will serve as a teaching, laboratory and research facility.
Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2023-09/w-piatek-na-budowie-centrum-ekoinnowacji-zawisnie-wiecha