Cooperation agreement within the framework of the Polish-German Foundation for Science


The Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) signed an agreement amending the agreement between the government of the Republic of Poland and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany on cooperation within the framework of the Polish-German Foundation for Science. The meeting was attended by Wojciech Murdzek, Secretary of State at the MEiN, and Sabine Döring, Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The new agreement will allow the funding of joint Polish-German research projects in the humanities and social sciences. This will enable the already decided competitions for research projects to be implemented: “Culture of memory: media – prosperity periods. Poland and Germany after 1989′ and ‘German occupation of Poland 1939-1945: politics – terror – everyday life – resistance’. 

The scientific and research communities of both countries have been cooperating for many years as part of the initiatives of the Polish-German Foundation for Science and have made an important contribution to the Polish-German dialogue.
