Cooperation in research, education and engineering between the Krakow University of Technology and the Ojców National Park

Stanislaw Bielski/REPORTER

Krakow University of Technology (PK) and the Ojców National Park have started research, education and engineering cooperation, under which PK students will conduct open-air drawing and painting workshops on the Park’s grounds, hold design exercises as part of their undergraduate and postgraduate classes, and carry out construction and greenery inventories. 

The cooperation agreement was signed by PK Rector Professor Andrzej Szarata and Ojców National Park Director Tomasz Gierat.

The agreement provides for the development of architectural concepts and urban design projects for the Park’s buildings and areas by PK employees and students, and also for the preparation of expert opinions and analyses by the university’s specialists, aimed at solving problems associated with the current management of the invaluable heritage of the Ojców National Park. 

Exhibitions of students’ work on the Park will also be held on the reserve.

Technical sciences