Danish entrepreneurs to visit the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)

fot. SGGW

The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) was visited by the Danish Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Jakob Jensen and Danish entrepreneurs from the agri-food sector. The guests were particularly interested in cooperation with Poland and SGGW in research on biogas production and reducing the negative effects of livestock production on the environment.

“We want to change our traditional agriculture into climate-friendly agriculture by overcoming agricultural challenges and creating environmentally friendly livestock production”, said Prof. Michał Zasada, SGGW rector during the meeting with Danish entrepreneurs. 

In his speech, Minister Jakob Jensen stressed the importance of transforming the agricultural industry based on research and exchange of experience between Denmark and Poland. “This approach will help increase productivity while protecting the environment”, he added.

Danish entrepreneurs who visited the Agricultural Experimental Station of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) took part in a thematic session on ‘Climate-friendly agriculture’ and familiarised themselves with the assumptions of the project ‘Research network of universities for the development of the Polish dairy sector’.

Modern economy