The Book Sphere project created in the public space design studio of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice by student Paula Smolka has won a distinction in the Builder architectural competition ‘Portable Reading Rooms’.
The Sphere of Books is a micro-library that can be located in a public space. The spherical form of this publicly accessible facility was designed in the spirit of the idea of bookcrossing, i.e. the free exchange of books. This idea is based on the assumption that literature should be widely distributed in public spaces, giving books a second life and at the same time popularising reading.
The structure’s design allows it to be filled with successive layers of books, accessible both from the outside and from the inside, where wide seats are provided to encourage reading on site. Constructed from vertical and horizontal plywood modules, the facility ensures easy transportation and relatively simple installation in new locations.
Read more: https://www.asp.katowice.pl/wydarzenia/strefa-ksiazki-wyrozniona.html