Dogotherapy – therapeutic meetings with Aston at the University of Economics in Katowice

fot. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach

At the University of Economics in Katowice, therapeutic meetings are being organised with Aston – a biscuit labrador, a certified therapy dog. Aston has previously worked in hospital wards and hospices and helps people with various disabilities.

Aston is nine years old and has been socialised and prepared for contact with children and adults since birth. It has been trained many times under the guidance of professionals and in 2017 completed the Certified Therapy Dog Course with an excellent result. It loves working with people, is extremely joyful and empathetic, yet in “work mode” disciplined and focused on tasks. It loves people, learning new things and food.

It is well known that contact with a dog contributes to mental and physical health, brings joy and zest for life, improves well-being and facilitates socialising. Its presence calms and fosters optimism.

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Medicine and biotechnology