Draft regulation on the new method of distribution of funds for the university consulted


A draft regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the new financial algorithm was submitted for consultation. The most important assumptions of the project are to adjust the algorithm to differentiated university missions, increase the stability of funding, and provide higher incentives to improve the quality of education.

As emphasizes Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Science “a new way of distributing funds is proof that the promise to increase academic freedom in the Constitution for Science is just realized. This is another step towards the real autonomy of Polish universities.”

The change in the method of dividing public money is to ensure stabilization of the budgets of individual universities. The draft regulation proposes three algorithms: for academic institutions, for vocational schools, and from 2020 for academic institutions that will be laureates of the competition “Initiatives of excellence – research universities”.

Higher education