Eagle to be painted on the wall of the University of Wrocław


A wall-mural is similar to a mural but it is painted inside the building. Now such a wall- mural is being painted at the Historical Institute of the University of Wroclaw. The work of Prof. Adam Chmielowiec and students from the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts presents the Lower Silesian eagle combined with the eagle inspired by the state emblem.

The painting combines the motif of the Silesian Piast eagle with a characteristic silver crescent and a cross with the eagle inspired by the appearance of the emblem from the Jagiellonian times. – These two halves of two different eagles make up one whole and such eagle gives the impression of constant metamorphosis – explains Prof. Filip Wolański the deputy director of the Institute  from University of Wroclaw.
The work is created on the first floor of the Institute, near the former library and reading room. The painting will be ready at the end of May, and its official unveiling is planned for the beginning of June.
