“ECOnomics4Climate” – University of Economics in Katowice launches new project

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach

The University of Economics in Katowice (UEK) has secured further funding from the Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolitan Science Support Fund. Thanks to the funding, the university will realise the project ‘ECOnomics4Climate’ dedicated to the economics of climate change, reports UEK.

ECOnomics4Climate is a cluster project that constitutes a package of scientific and educational activities, within the framework of promoting the economics of climate change. It is fully in line with the specific objectives of the Metropolitan Science Support Fund in terms of innovative talent development activities – stimulating the creativity of students and lecturers in order to use their potential to adapt the university to future development trends.

The project involves prominent foreign scientists who will prepare lectures and provide mentoring support for young scientists. The project will involve students, doctoral students, and scientific and research staff from universities, as well as secondary school students from the Silesian Voivodeship.

More: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/pracownicy/nauka-i-biznes/article/economics4climate-uczelnia-rusza-z-nowym-projektem.html

Higher education