Employees of the Poznań University of Economics become co-creators of the IT tool to support hospitals


Dr Przemysław Garsztka, Dr Jakub Jasiczak and Prof. Jacek Trębecki from the Poznań University of Economics are co-creators of an advanced IT tool – a platform for coordinating assistance provided by society to hospitals.

The platform consists of two main modules. The first module allows hospitals to report their needs more easily: from small meals or drinks for patients to larger orders, such as masks and volunteering service. The other module allows anyone to offer help in the work of medical staff, and respond to appeals.

The SupportDlaSzpitala.pl platform was created pro bono by Clorce programmers and scientists from the Poznań university, using a free license for the combat against COVID-19 from Salesforce. This advanced tool defines the type of assistance, the area in which it can be provided, the time and other specific conditions. Currently, more than 100 hospitals have used it.
More: https://ue.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci,c16/aktualnosci,c15/pracownica-uep-wspoltworcami-narzedzia-it-do-wsparcia,a93330.html

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