ENHANCE Winter School in Data Literacy


The inauguration of the ENHANCE Winter School in Data Literacy took place at the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) on 6 February. The event was organised by the Warsaw University of Technology as part of the Erasmus+ (Blended Intensive Programme) in cooperation with the National Agency for Academic Exchange and the Technical University of Berlin and the Technical University of Valencia.  

The inauguration of the winter school began with an introductory lecture by Dr Jarosław Arabas, From Data to Knowledge – a winding path with highs and lows.

The ENHANCE Winter School in Data Literacy takes place in residential (06-10.02) and online (13.02-10.03.2023) modes. During lectures and workshops, students will gain skills in the use of databases, as well as learning the basics of the high-level programming language Python. Students will also work in teams of several people on a project task.

Twenty-four students from nine universities and six countries are taking part in the winter school, including students from seven universities in the ENHANCE consortium and two Ukrainian universities, Kyiv Polytechnic and Lviv Polytechnic.
