The European Digital Innovation Hub Silesia Smart System EDIHSILESIA project has been launched. The aim of the project with the participation of Łukasiewicz – the Institute of Non-ferrous Metals (IMN) is to support companies in improving their business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies.
The consortium includes: IMN, Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A., Silesia Smart Systems, Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. in Bielsko-Biała, Górnośląski Akcelerator Przedsiębiorczości Rynkowej sp. z o.o., Silesian University of Technology and Łukasiewicz – Górnośląski Instytut Technologiczny and Łukasiewicz – EMAG.
Under the project, over the next three years small and medium-sized enterprises from the Silesian and Opole provinces will have the opportunity to benefit from assistance in planning the implementation of digital technologies and the creation of modern enterprises.