Executive MBA at the University of Economics in Wrocław receives another AMBA accreditation

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

The University of Economics in Wrocław has once again joined the elite group of universities with the AMBA distinction. London Business School, Oxford Brookes University Business School and Copenhagen Business School.

The university’s Executive MBA program (Polish and international variant) received the oldest and most prestigious AMBA accreditation for the second time, this time for the maximum possible term, i.e. for a period of 5 years.

The distinction is awarded by The Association of MBA’s (AMBA) – a global association that is an undisputed authority in the field of postgraduate education in the field of management. AMBA accreditation is the international standard for all MBA programs. Currently, the Association accredits the programs of two percent of the best business schools in over 70 countries, which is why less than 300 business schools around the world can boast of honors.

More: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/26005/program_executive_mba_uew_otrzymal_kolejna_akredytacja_amba.html#.YvTk-XZBzIU

Higher education