Extension of the deadline for submission of the applications for the Off Science Garage Inventions Review


Until October 30, participants can apply for the “Off Science” Garage Inventions Review as part of the 4th Silesian Science Festival Katowice. The decision to extend the application process is a result of numerous requests from people interested in the competition – informs the University of Silesia.

Review of Garage inventions „Off Science” is an initiative presenting the achievements of people who are involved in science non- professionally. Amateur inventors and designers creating devices and interested in technical solutions will be able to present their projects during the 4th Silesian Science Festival Katowice – January 26, 2020 at the International Congress Center.

The organizers are planning the festival to become once again an opportunity to show the effects of hard work, which usually do not go beyond private workshops, garages, attics and basements. To submit a project, please complete the registration form available on www.slaskifestiwalnauki.pl in the ‘OFF Science’ tab.
