Festival of Catholic Social Science in Warsaw


The third Catholic Social Science Festival will be held on October 18 and 19, 2019 at the Primate’s Palace in Warsaw. The purpose of the event is to promote the social teaching of the Church to the people actively participating in local and economic life, and in the areas of social economy and education.

The program of the Catholic Social Science Festival will include expert debates and thematic workshops.

The first of the debates, entitled “Torch or muzzle of education?”, will take place on Friday, October 18. The participants will be Fr. Prof. Piotr Mazurkiewicz from the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński (UKSW) in Warsaw, Jan Wróbel (Radio TOK FM), Małopolskie Region’s education superintendent Barbara Nowak and discussion moderator – Jan Pospieszalski.

On Saturday, October 19 in the second debate entitled “Made in Poland. Label or stigma?” will be attended by: Fr. Prof. Krzysztof Kietliński (UKSW), president of the Polish Economic Society Tomasz Janik, president of the Republican Foundation Marek Wróbel and vice president of the board of INCO S.A. Dr Andrzej Pawlak. The discussion will be moderated by Michał Szułdrzyński from the Rzeczpospolita paper.
