First Congress of Polish Humanists


From 20 to 23 April 2020, the University of Lodz (UŁ) will host the First Congress of Polish Humanists.

The congress is a meeting of Polish scientists representing all disciplines and humanities specialties.
-We would like to organise a wide open forum for conversations, discussions, exchange of thoughts and various positions establishing dialogue as well as provoking disputes and confronting different positions, and that it should take place every two years.

The first Congress of Polish Humanists will be titled „Humanities in the 21st century”. It should start the review of the most important ideas of contemporary humanities research, as well as the identification and formulation of the most important future trends. Individual lectures and panels, led by eminent representatives of individual disciplines, will concern interdisciplinary issues in the humanities, the importance of language and literature in the new social reality, the role of new spaces, e.g. post- and biohumanistics.
