First effects of plasma therapy in patients with COVID-19


The first large clinical trial in the world documenting the effectiveness of plasma use in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 in the European population began at the end of April in Wrocław. Initial results are promising.

The plasma of the recovered patients was given to the first patients treated in Wrocław and Bolesławiec at the beginning of May. In several days after the first administration 65 percent patients felt a clear improvement in respiratory parameters. They did not require further hospitalization. The remaining patients did not respond to treatment and the second plasma dose did not change it.

The project “The use of plasma of recovered people in the therapy of patients with COVID-19 together with a metabolomic and laboratory assessment of the plasma therapy” is implemented in cooperation with the University Clinical Hospital, the Provincial Specialist Hospital and the Regional Blood Donation and Blood Center in Wroclaw. The research is financed by the Medical Research Agency.


Medicine and biotechnology