Special program “Polish Returns” to help in the fight against the coronavirus


The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is encouraging scientists who can help in the fight against coronavirus to return to Poland. Researchers will be offered an attractive salary financed by NAWA and a starting grant from the National Science Center (NCN).

-Today, the whole world is turning to scientists with the hope that they will end the COVID-19 epidemic, said Prof. Wojciech Maksymowicz, deputy minister of science and higher education.

In previous years, doctors mainly were leaving Poland. We are taking another step to reverse this process. Polish health care gaps should be filled with our compatriots who have left. This program is the first step in the right direction. I can reveal that we are working on the next programs – added the deputy minister.

Special program Polish Returns is addressed to scientists of Polish origin working abroad, whose research may broaden the knowledge and solve important problems related to the COVID-19 epidemic and its consequences.

Medicine and biotechnology