First Judaic Student Conference “Others – Ours: about Jewish identity in culture”

Dominika Hull Uniwersytet Wrocławski

The Shnirele Perele Scientific Club operating in the Tadeusz Taube Chair of Jewish Studies at the University of Wrocław is inviting students, male and female PhD students to participate in the 1st Judaic Student Conference “Others – Ours: about Jewish identity in culture”.

The conference, scheduled for May 25th, aims to take an interdisciplinary look at the issue of Jewish identity and its transformations in different historical periods and in different geographical areas. 

Conference presentations will be related to creative activity in its broadest sense (literature, theatre, film, as well as visual arts and popular culture), anthropology, sociology, political science, and sport. 

The conference will focus on the question of the place of Jews in the communities in which they were or are a part of with regard to whether they were “Others” or “Ours”?


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