Forest Biology Centre to be established at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


A Forest Biology Centre is being established at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The centre will start operating in January next year at the Faculty of Biology. Researchers there will study the impact of climate change on tree reproduction.

The Centre for Forest Biology will use seed reproduction data from around the world, covering hundreds of plant species and decades – so it can look for signals of the effects of a warming climate. Scientists want to identify the species and locations that are most sensitive to them.

The centre will be set up as part of an ERC Starting Grant, the winner of which was Dr Michal Bogdziewicz from the Department of Biology. He was awarded EUR 1.5 million for the project ‘Climate change impacts on tree reproduction and forecasts of forest recruitment change (ForestFuture)’.

The centre will be funded mainly by European funds and university resources. The unit will also carry out research funded by the National Science Centre.

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Higher education