Four students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology win the BioLAB program


Four students of the chemical faculty of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology won the BioLAB program of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission. It will allow young scientists to participate in the one-year internships to renowned research centers in the USA.

The Wrocław student, Marcelina Szczygieł will go to the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Krystyna Tesak to the University of Chicago research center, Bartosz Leszczyński to the University of Texas research center, Southwestern Medical Center, and Wojciech Teodorowicz to the University of Virginia research center.

In this year’s competition, 102 applications were submitted, and the assessment consisted of two stages: formal and content evaluation of the electronic application forms and interviews with the qualifying committee. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the talks were first made entirely by Skype. Finally, 43 winners were selected.

Higher education