G-Flake – Lukasiewicz IMiF created a brand of materials related to flake graphene

fot. Łukasiewicz IMiF

A brand of materials related to flake graphene called G-Flake has been created in the Flake Graphene Research Group operating at the Lukasiewicz – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics (IMiF).

The graphene that Lukasiewicz scientists are currently working on is fundamentally different from the graphene that was much talked about a few years ago.

Flake graphene is formed by chemical processes that allow individual layers of graphite, the material from which flake graphene is formed, to be ‘peeled off’. Epitaxial graphene is most often created by depositing carbon atoms from the gas phase onto a suitably prepared substrate, such as copper or silicon carbide.

“We are able to create various forms of such materials, including: graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, graphene oxide paste and so-called graphene paper”, said Dr Adrian Chlanda, leader of the Flake Graphene Research Group at Łukasiewicz – IMiF.

The application of this technology is possible in very many fields. It is the defence, medical or automotive industry. Work is currently underway to use flake graphene for energy storage, or as a barrier layer for use in hydrogen tanks.
