Gdańsk University of Technology and Poznań University of Technology to cooperate with Northvolt company


Gdańsk University of Technology and Poznań University of Technology will cooperate with Northvolt – one of the world’s largest companies operating in developing and delivering the highest quality, sustainable battery and energy storage solutions. 

Assumptions of the partnership include supporting R&D projects, PhD programs and other opportunities in relation to the emerging battery value chain in the region.

The partners committed to close cooperation by conducting scientific research, including issues of energy, electrical engineering, battery energy storage, automation and robotics, implementation of grant applications (in terms of research opportunities that the parties have) and implementation of student and doctoral internships.

The contract was signed during the commencement of construction of the Northvolt factory in Gdańsk. The plant will cost about USD 200 million and will create over 500 jobs.



Research and development Technical sciences