Gdańsk University of Technology assessed as the greenest university in Poland


In this year’s UI GreenMetric ranking, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) was assessed as the best Polish university, taking 134th place among almost a thousand universities from around the world. The high position of GUT was determined by wide-ranging university policy in terms of the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal. 

The Gdańsk University of Technology took 134th place out of 956 surveyed universities, advancing from 231st (out of 912 universities in 2020) compared to last year’s ranking.

The ranking examines the university’s involvement in issues of the natural environment – including infrastructure, taking care of the climate and the environment, transport, water and electricity consumption and waste management. This year also examined projects undertaken by universities in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The authors of the ranking want to assess the university’s involvement or dealing with sustainable development issues through policy, actions and communication.

More: Most- zielona – uczelnia – w – polsce


Higher education