The Centre for Security and Defence Technology at the Gdansk University of Technology (PG) and the Nauta S.A. Repair Shipyard in Gdynia have concluded a framework agreement for close cooperation. Its signing is a further step to improve the long-standing cooperation in the implementation of projects for the Polish Navy.
“Active support for the development of the Polish defence industry is one of the priorities of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Our university has a great deal of experience in this area, but we are constantly working to further improve the competence and capabilities of our scientists and the units that contribute to it. PG’s partnership with the Nauta Shiprepair Yard already has a rich history, but we intend to deepen this cooperation even further. – says Rector of the Gdansk University of Technology. Prof. Krzysztof Wilde.
Currently, SR Nauta S.A. is executing a contract for the main and docking repairs of three 207P project minesweepers – ORP Necko, Nakło and Mamry. ORP Nakło is due to join the shipyard in October.
Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2022-09/politechnika-gdanska-zaciesnia-wspolprace-ze-stocznia-nauta