Gdynia University of Administration and Business to hold a conference on local and regional consequences of global challenges


The Department of Logistics at the University of Administration and Business in Gdynia is inviting participants to the conference “The world to come. Local and regional consequences of global challenges”. The conference will be held on October 22 at the university, it will also be broadcast online.

The aim of the conference is an in-depth analysis and discussion of the local effects of trends and changes taking place in the global economy. Although the main focus of the discussion will include economic, and especially logistic topics. Political scientists, sociologists, urban planners and geographers are invited to the discussion.

Contemporary globalization has far-reaching effects observed in Polish little homelands. Interesting changes will be presented from the point of view of cultural transformations, reorientation of the labor market and territorial marketing. The conference will be attended by scientists and practitioners – representatives of business, NGOs and Pomeranian local government administration.


Events Modern economy