Gowin: The task of our generation is to build a strong and efficient state


– It is a special inauguration, on the anniversary of the events and the people who hundred years ago ensured an independent existence for our homeland and who sought for hundred years for this existence – said Prof. Jacek Semaniak, rector of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce during the inauguration of the academic year 2018/2019.

There will be 11,600 students and 300 PhD students at the Kielce University of Technology studying in 49 fields of study. This group includes 560 international students from 22 countries.

The Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin said that “the task for our generation is to build a strong and efficient state, create conditions for the modern economy, build a prosperous society”.

The condition for achieving these goals is to create great universities that will excellently educate the new generation and conduct research constituting the flywheel of Poland’s civilization development – added the Minister of Science.

Events Higher education