Graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology printed a canoe


Maciej Karnowski, a graduate of ocean engineering at the department of mechanical engineering and shipbuilding at the Gdańsk University of Technology, has designed and printed a fully functional kayak on a 3D printer. Printing took a total of 400 hours.

The kayak was printed at home, it is 2.3 m long and 80 cm wide. It is open, in the future it will be possible to add an engine, mast and rudder. It was made in smaller parts, which were later assembled with screws, washers and self-locking nuts – over 1,200 elements in total. Maciej Karnowski designed the boat to be transported by a small car.

The kayak was made of polylactide – obtained from the lactic acid of biodegradable maize.

– This material is generally available when it comes to 3D printing. It is also cheap, the price per kilogram is about PLN 40, and the entire boat weighs 12 kg – says the constructor.


Technical sciences