Joanna Piskorska, a graduate of the MA studies in Oceanography at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk, won the 3rd degree Professor Marian Gieysztor Award of the Polish Hydrobiological Society (2019/20) for her master’s thesis.
The Professor Marian Gieysztor’s Award is granted by the Polish Hydrobiological Society for outstanding MA theses in the hydrobiology. The main evaluation criteria are the originality of the topic, its relevance to hydrobiology and the logic of inference, documentation of the work, its form, language and clarity.
The laureate’s work – “Ostracoda biogeographic, taxonomic and population diversity in the frontal zones of the Atlantic Ocean (Africa-Antarctic cross-section)” concerns the marine crustaceans belonging to Ostracoda (mussels), which are often treated very generally or not at all in plankton research.
More: Towarzystwa – hydrologiczne – za – badania