Graduates of the State Higher Vocational School in Konin awarded in the competition “Human resources for industry”


Graduates of the State Higher Vocational School in Konin – Eng. Krzysztof Kucharski and Rafał Bajdek – and the promoters of their work, Prof. Eng. Andrzej Milecki and Dr Eng. Edward Pająk, became laureates of the awards of Industrial Development Agency SA under the nationwide program “Human Resources for Industry”.

Krzysztof Kucharski – a graduate of mechanics and machine construction won the first prize for his engineering thesis “The construction of a hydraulic goods lift”, Rafał Bajdek – a graduate of management and production engineering was awarded a distinction for his master’s thesis “Methodology of implementing IT systems in production and service enterprises”.

Industrial Development Agency SA has been running the “Human Resources for Industry” program since 2018. Its purpose is to initiate cooperation between secondary and higher education institutions and enterprises, which will lead to the joint development of study programs adapted to the labor market.

