Guest professor Guillaume Thierry to visit University of Poznań


Prof. Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University, Wales, UK) in collaboration with Prof. Katarzyna Bromberek-Dyzman and Dr Rafał Jończyk, Faculty of English Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań will carry out a project on bilingualism titled “Unleashing the power of a foreign language: cognitive foundations of the foreign language effect and strategic use of language”.

The international project will be devoted to the study of the phenomenon of “foreign language effect”, i.e. the cognitive and emotional mechanisms related to decision making in the second language. The research work is planned for the next four years (2020-2024).

Prof. Guillaume Thierry will be visiting Poznań as part of the Guest Professorship program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange. The program offers universities and other research units a long-term financial package at the invitation of a world-renowned foreign scientist and funding for basic research from the funds of the National Science Center.


Higher education Humanities