Researchers at the Pomeranian Medical University (PUM) in Szczecin are participating in a project to develop a new technology for the production of herbs to produce improved, internationally innovative products in the form of organic vegetable juice blends with herbs.
The enrichment of juices with herbaceous plants with proven antioxidant properties can significantly increase the antioxidant potential of the product. The development and implementation of these innovative methods and organisation of herbaceous plants and the creation of a new food product, which is a blend of vegetable juices enriched with herbs, will prove their health-promoting properties.
The PUM researchers won PLN 1.2 million from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The total value of the project amounts to PLN 5 million and the companies BACILLUS, DELIKATNA.BIO, SWEDEPONIC POLSKA, BAZIÓŁKA and the leader of the operating group – EIG FINANCE – are also participating.