Hydrogen and sustainability is the subject of a new scientific project at the Silesian University of Technology

fot. Politechnika Śląska

The Silesian University of Technology’s Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Katowice has inaugurated the project ‘Coated thermal barriers for eco-friendly heat-to-energy applications: understanding the limitations of hydrogen combustion and a perspective on sustainability’.

The project – implemented as part of the M-Era.NET 2022 initiative – is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (Poland), ANR, the French National Research Agency (France) and the Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus (Germany).

The researchers hope that the results of their research will increase the operating temperature and thus the efficiency of aircraft engine turbines, while reducing the fuel consumption of new-generation aircraft and directly contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions into the environment, thus meeting the global need to build climate neutrality.

Read more: https://www.polsl.pl/ps_aktualnosci/wodor-i-zrownowazony-rozwoj-tematem-nowego-projektu-naukowego/ 

Research and development