Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals to launch the project Better recovery of valuable metals from waste


The Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals will implement the project “Pro-ecological technology of half-lead slag vitrification by intensifying the operation of a short rotary kiln (KPO) together with a dust and process gas conditioning system”. Its implementation will reduce the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases.

The project is a process innovation in the recovery of lead from waste materials from copper metallurgy (shaft sludge) and from the demolition of car batteries, along with the treatment of the resulting lead slag into a product suitable for reuse, economic use (as a flux for copper briquettes).

The project provides comprehensive solutions for the recovery of valuable metals – lead, zinc and copper – present in waste. Its implementation will significantly reduce the cost of lead production and will allow for checking the possibility of extending the Institute’s product offer.

Innovations Technical sciences